Terry Judkins Pembroke Dock Paedophile
Terry Judkins Pembroke Dock Paedophile

For the dissemination and possession of obscene photos of children, a FORMER Paedophile mayor of Pembroke Dock has been sentenced to suspended jail terms.

Admitting the allegations, Terry Judkins, 55, of Bush Street, was sentenced at Swansea Crown Court.

Between September 2018 and August 2021, Judkins entered a guilty plea to two charges involving Category C images and carrying a banned image of a minor.

Terry Judkins also admitted to creating and sharing Category A pictures of the youngsters, Category A being the highest severe classification of obscene images.

Ten of the photos in issue were of a 17-year-old known to Terry Judkins, the court was advised, and eleven original images had been replicated several times over two digital devices.

David Maunder, Judkin’s defence attorney, told the court most of the images involving the 17-year-old were “enthusiastically consensual”.

Sharing embarrassing pictures of someone under the age of eighteen is illegal.

The other picture included teenage lads between the ages of 10 and 13.

Terry Judkins - paedophile - former mayor of pembroke dock - rape

While Terry Judkins had “dipped his toe into this kind of behaviour, which he deeply regrets now,” Mr Maunder told the judge the court was “not dealing with evidence of someone who is a committed paedophile.”

He said the Terry Judkins had “positive good character”, and he had later faced “shame and embarrassment” from the acts.

Judge Catherine Richards told Judkins his situation ” contrasted with the positive reputation you gained.”

She said there “was no evidence” other than the Category A pictures of the 10–13-year-old boys Judkins owned that there was significant material connected with young males.

Richards said Terry Judkins had sent two pictures of a 17-year-old and that the statute was “in place to protect young people.”

After opting to give Judkins a two-year suspended sentence for disseminating obscene photos, Judkins was sentenced to twelve months.

For creating obscene photographs, the former mayor was also sentenced to six more months and suspended for two years.

Now, orders for forfeiture and destruction surround the gadgets Terry Judkins uses—a computer and a mobile phone.

Terry Judkins will also have his name added to the sex offenders register for ten years and have to show up for a programme for those with convictions for downloading offensive photos of children.

Later, he will go back to court to verify if he would be subject to a sexual harm prevention order.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.