Robert Healy paedophile child sex offender
Robert Healy paedophile child sex offender

In 2009, a predatory educator, Robert Healy, who engaged in sexual relations with two students after grooming them on Bebo has been incarcerated.

Robert Healy, 27, preyed upon teenage girls while employed at a secondary school in Sussex, enticing them with complimentary comments on social networking platforms.

One of the girls believed she could be pregnant when they commenced sexual activity in the humiliated teacher’s vehicle.

Despite Robert Healy’s arrest and subsequent charges, he sent an email to one of his teenage victims asserting that his affection would persist regardless of his incarceration.

The father of one of the girls, commenting after Robert Healy received a seven-year prison sentence, stated: “You send your children to school to acquire knowledge and place complete trust in the institution.”I remain astounded by the entire situation. I am incredulous over the events that transpired.

His daughter lamented when the instructor was dismissed.

Robert Healy, residing on Peakdean Lane in Friston, near Eastbourne, commenced employment at Bishop Bell School in Eastbourne in May 2007 as a cover supervisor, responsible for overseeing lessons in the absence of other instructors.

Robert Healy was dismissed in August of the previous year following the revelation of his involvement with two unnamed girls.

Lewes Crown Court was informed that prior to his dismissal for gross misconduct, he had received two informal warnings from the school regarding his conduct with female students and had been cautioned to use caution.

However, Tracey Elliott, the prosecutor, stated that Healy established friendships with the ladies and communicated with them over internet platforms such as Bebo.

A female commenced a connection with Robert Healy in September 2007 after he reached out to her via email, complimenting her appearance as “stunning.”

The educator and his pupil would convene at a friend’s residence for sexual activities.

The youngster felt anxious when a neighbour discovered the information, fearing that her mother would be informed. The relationship concluded in January of the previous year.

The second female commenced a relationship with Robert Healy following his email communication on Christmas Day.

Subsequent flirtatious messages led to in-person meetings, culminating in sexual encounters within his vehicle.

At one point, the student was concerned that she could be pregnant by the teacher.

Rob Hall, in defence, stated that Healy was a law-abiding individual who would now face the consequences of his actions for the remainder of his life.

He stated, “Robert Healy has brought disgrace upon himself and his family.” He possesses a profound sense of regret for the exceedingly foolish trajectory of his life.

Mr. Hall stated that Healy had experienced authentic affection for the two girls. He stated, “Robert Healy is aware that his future life will be challenging.”

Robert Healy confessed to 10 charges involving sexual intercourse with a minor while occupying a position of trust.

Judge Charles Kemp sentenced the instructor to seven years in prison, stating that Healy had inflicted significant suffering on the girls and their families and had violated the trust inherent in his role as an educator.

He stated, “Those girls were under your supervision.” Rather than safeguarding them, as was your obligation, you engaged in relationships with both, so betraying the faith they and their parents placed in you.

“Adolescent girls are frequently impressionable and susceptible, readily flattered by young men in positions of authority.”

Judge Kemp referenced a probation report indicating that Healy seemed to have disregarded his professional responsibilities and became engulfed in the thrill of the circumstances.

He stated, “Your pursuit of those girls could be characterised as predatory.”

The judge issued a sexual crimes prevention order that limits Robert Healy’s interaction with youngsters for the next decade. He is required to register as a sex offender for life.

Due to the encounter, he was detained to exclude any further communication.

If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.