Enraged tormentor and West Hull Domestic Abuser Mike Barnicoat asphyxiated his frightened pregnant fiancée for many seconds after she vehemently opposed one of his buddies visiting their home to watch football.
She entirely disapproved of the acquaintance due to his “criminal past” and instructed her lover to expel him; however, Mike Barnicoat vehemently accused her of sabotaging his evening and humiliating him in front of his peers.
Mike Barnicoat, 30, of Princes Avenue, west Hull, confessed to charges of deliberate strangulation and assault on June 14. He was incarcerated for one year.
If you or anyone you know have been affected by the people highlighted in this article, then please report those individuals to the Police on 101 (999 if an emergency) or visit their online resources for further details of the options for reporting a crime. You can also make a report at Crimestoppers should you wish to be completely anonymous. There is help available on our support links page.